a person walking downstairs but looking back up

$20 Superpack: Breakup Remedy

by Natalye Childress Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author

Uh oh. Suddenly you're single. Maybe you saw it coming a mile away, or maybe it broadsided you. Maybe you're picking yourself up and dusting yourself off, or maybe you're lying in bed all day planning for a lifetime of solitude. Whatever way it's going, we feel ya. We've been there, too, and so have a whole lot of our writers. And we put together this selection of books to help you get yourself through this.

Aftermath of Forever chronicles Natalye's quickfire series of dates, hookups, and thwarted romances in the wake of a messy divorce. When you're ready for it, Sex from Scratch offers perspective and sensible advice for dealing with break-ups, dealing with single-dom, and, eventually, doing dating better. Dr. Faith Harper's zine about Defriending contains wise counsel that's applicable to break-ups of any kind of important life relationship. And another zine you may be able to put to good use is Dr. Faith's little primer on Sexing Yourself.

Onward! We've got your back.