An orange books depicting an adjustable wrench and a hammer crossed in front of a circular saw-blade

Coping Skills: Tools & Techniques for Every Stressful Situation

by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author

Emergency skills to deal with anxiety, triggers, freak-outs, trauma, and grief

You know those days when you just can't even? When everything is haywire and everyone, including yourself, seems to be against you, not to mention against reason? Your to-do list is a mile long, your kid is sick, traffic sucks, and you just spilled coffee all over yourself as you were about to walk out the door? How do you cope? Most of us don't have great coping skills, and turn instead to addictions, zoning out, or freaking out. Dr. Faith, author of the bestselling Unfuck Your Brain, offers a range of healthier strategies for getting through tough moments, gaining perspective, and shifting your attitude.

This book teaches you different strategies for different types of situations, and includes skills from many methodologies, including CBT, DBT, ACT, Positive Psychology, Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, Somatic Experiencing, Jungian therapy, and more.

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Comments & Reviews


"[This book] provides just what it says, ways to overcome or at least endure the worst stuff life throws at us. Author Faith G. Harper expanded her ’zine about coping into a full-length book that can be quickly snarfed down or pored over, depending on your mood. She explains in easily grasped, curse-dappled language how the brain is always trying to protect us, but sometimes blows a rod when a resigned sigh would be the right response… Coping skills are the intermediate steps that help us make sense of what’s happening and formulate an appropriate response… Practicing coping skills before you need them is what makes them useful."


There is no one solution fits all, so this book looks at how stress affects our brains in the real world and gives you coping skills based on how the world actually works.


"...avoids jargon and talks clearly about ways to deal with, in this case, stress and anxiety."


"In her trademark style - you know - funny, friendly, compassionate, non-judgemental - Dr Faith lays out ten key ways to help you cope with what life throws at you."