$20-30 Superpack: Protest Power Tools
by Bill DiPaola Author, Lisa Loving Author, Dan Méndez Moore Author, fly Author, Sarah Friedman Author and Harold H Thompson Author
Be prepared when you hit the streets. These three zines and two books will arm you with vital skills, perspective, and history, at a sliding scale price. Learn how to plan for action, how to not get arrested, and how to withstand police interrogation trickery if they do capture you. If you'll be livestreaming, tweeting, blogging, or writing about your experience, learn vital best practices and skills for street journalism from a pro. And know your history, with this graphic novel about the Cincinnati uprising against police brutality back in 2000. Okay, you're ready to to go: now get out there and change the world!
Photo by Microcosm operations manager Sidnee Grubb, shows a group of people peacefully marching across the Burnside Bridge in Portland, Oregon on May 31, 2020.
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