Everything Dies #7
by Box Brown Illustrator
One of the best and most promising new comic artists out there today, Box Brown writes and draws the Everything Dies zine series as a hard, hilarious look into the religious myths of our world. Issue seven is a comic retelling of the pan-cultural “flood myth.” Here we see Sumerian wind god Enlil setting out to destroy the newly-created people of the Earth. The “Noah” of this polytheistic ark story is King Ziasudra, and his trajectory and fate are much different than the Christian Biblical version. Beautifully drawn and deep-packed with “the things that make you go hmm,” Everything Dies will keep you reassessing who we are and what we've built our shared narrative from.
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Comments & Reviews
According to the Eridu genesis story, four gods (An, Enlil, Enki, and Nintur) got together and whipped up our planet and populated it with people who would soon become raucous and not much reverent. This pissed off Enlil in particular, who convinced the other three gods that them people gotta go. Thusly there was flooding and the peeps were destroyed save for one King Ziasudra who was advised by Enki to build an ark and find two animals of every kind and yada, yada yada—you know the rest.
Comics artist, Box Brown, tackles religious myths in his Everything Dies series. Originally slated for at least six issues, #7 is the latest with this creation story and flood myth found in old Sumerian texts (you may recognize it from your bible where some of the names have been changed and the four gods have been scaled down to one prime mover). Funny, succinct, simply rendered, and without any sort of religion (pro or con) heavy-handedness that tends to polarize readers. It’s a comic for Enki's sake!
I’m going to have to track down the first six issues of this now. Everything Dies is a look into various tales from different religions from around the world. This time around he takes on the Sumerian flood which has some interesting similarities and differences from the story of Noah that you probably already know. The differences and similarities of different religions have always fascinated me, so this is right up my alley. Told through black and white cartoon from a promising artist who seems all at once to be respectful and questioning. I think you should check this one out.