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Box Brown is a cartoonist, an illustrator, and a comic publisher. His comics have been featured in Mad Magazine, and his illustrations have been on He lives in Philadelphia and can be found on twitter at

Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America
by Box Brown Author
A graphic novel detailing the history of weed and how we got to prohibition in the United States. Starting with a Hindu…
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by Box Brown Author
In this graphic novel, New York Times-best selling author Box Brown details the complex history of the iconic game.…
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Is This Guy For Real?: The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman
by Box Brown Author
With distinct visual styling, Box Brown depicts the life Andy Kaufman chose to live as an accomplished performer in Is…
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$25 Superpack: Taking Back Pink
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Box Brown Author, Nicole Georges Author and Super Pack! Author
Our creative director (ahem, Joe) loves the color pink—the brighter the better, while also having an affinity for…
$49.00 $25.00

Andre the Giant: Life and Legend
by Box Brown Author
Andre Roussimoff is known as the lovable giant in The Princess Bride and a heroic pro-wrestling figure. He was a normal…
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Everything Dies #7
by Box Brown Illustrator
One of the best and most promising new comic artists out there today, Box Brown writes and draws the Everything…
$5.00 2 comments
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