Call for Submissions for Neurodiversity zine series
Neurodiversity now occupies a similar place in the public consciousness at this moment as gay rights did in the 1970s: no one understands it and The Borg demand our assimilation!

Neurodivergent Pride: What Autistic Minds Can Teach Each Other and the World offers exposition on neurotypicals’ neurophobia and the frequent claim that they are supportive of #ActuallyAutistic people…as long as we act like they do. One reviewer for my book Good Trouble mentioned that she couldn’t believe that I wasn’t part of a radical zine community on the forefront of Autistic theory…so I decided to start one! The inspiration emerged from the homocore roots of punk and Don’t Be Gay in the 1980s. Queer punks were told that they would be accepted as soon as they acted like straight people. Featuring advice and explanatory narrative about the neurodiverse experience for the less divergent, so we can be seen as real, whole people, if you are neurodiverse, you should contribute to the next issues! The theme for issue #15 is Creativity and the deadline is June 1, 2025. The theme for issue #16 is Emotions and the deadline is December 1, 2025. The theme for issue #17 is Controversies and the deadline is June 1, 2026. Submissions should be 500-2,000 words as a rough guideline!
We want your personal narrative, origin story, misconceptions you’ve faced, how people could better interact/collaborate/interface with you, and aspirations of how you would like the movement to grow that can serve as a narrative for NTs understanding our people’s experiences. 500-2,000 words is a good guideline.
email submissions/questions to joe at microcosm daht pub