Neurodivergent Pride #1: Autistic Pride in a Neurophobic World
by Joe Biel Editor, Temple Grandin, Ph.D Contributor, Ricki Bransen Contributor, Eliot Daughtry Contributor, Aaron Poliwoda Contributor, Tammy Porter Contributor and Partly Robot Contributor
Anecdotal skillshares to understand the lives of autistics and the nonsensical world we all share
The R-word has been used against us as hate speech for decades. Neurotypicals have tried to dictate our motives, experiences, and words without stepping back to look at how taking the word away does nothing to take away their attitudes behind it. While leftist culture has abandoned the word "retarded," we are still treated with the same hatefulness and discrimination implicit in that word. It's time to own this word for ourselves. Queer punks were told that they would be accepted as soon as they acted like straight people. Autism now occupies a similar place in the public consciousness at this moment: no one understands it and The Borg demand our assimilation! Don't Be Retarded offers exposition on neurotypicals' neurophobia and the frequent claim that they are supportive of #ActuallyAutistic people...as long as we act like they do. These stories of overcoming and disputing myths will become the roots of the new autistic pride movement and the people who have suffered under the R-word should own it.
Featuring work by Temple Grandin and others.
One Good Trouble reviewer mentioned that she couldn't believe that there wasn't a radical zine community on the forefront of Autistic theory...so I decided to start one!
The inspiration for the title lies in the homocore roots of punk and Don't Be Gay in the 1980s.
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Comments & Reviews
...an essential read both for anyone who has struggled, or is struggling, as a disordered adult, and for those open to understanding. http://syndicatedzinereviews.blogspot.com/2018/08/dont-be-retarded-1.html
I’m really proud to be part of this collection. Every contribution is an honest and clear voice unafraid to be who they are, to admit where they come from, and to have pride in themselves despite the lifetimes of weaponized language they’ve had to face.