White background with teal cursive title, teal spine, and simple sketch of a budding tree branch

Lightly: How to Live a Simple, Serene, and Stress-Free Life

by Francine Jay Author

Calendar overscheduled? Closet over-stuffed? Learn what you treasure and let go of what is weighing you down, with this one-word philosophy from the best-selling author of The Joy of Less. When you’re struggling to declutter or taking too much on your plate, breathe deep and remember the beautiful simplicity of living lightly. This book goes beyond other decluttering guides on the market because it takes your whole being into account, offering strategies for clearing out your mental and emotional crap as well as the physical. You can read cover-to-cover or open up to whatever page is calling to you. Hand-drawn illustrations and inspirational quotes, alongside practical teachings for transformation, will lead you to lighten your Stuff, your Stress, your “Step” (i.e. ecological footprint), and your Spirit.

(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)