Battle of Blair Mountain poster
by Justseeds Author and Chris Stain Author
After years of inhumane living and working conditions, in 1921 the coal miners of Appalachia answered the call to organize. The largest armed uprising in US labor history, 12,000 workers from West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Ohio flooded Kanawha County, WV to setup a union by force. Vehemently anti-union, a local sheriff and the coal companies attacked the miners. Thousands of armed and angry miners rushed into the lush hills and winding paths of Blair Mountain to fight for the union. Federal troops were called in and the miners dispersed in order to avoid further bloodshed. At the time the struggle was seen as a failure, but in retrospect the Battle of Blair Mountain led directly to a much larger and stronger union movement!
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Comments & Reviews
Me too! I wish there was a Matewan poster. My great-grandmother lived through that one.
I'm from WV, and when I saw this I almost cried. There aren't many people who appreciate or even know the coal mining movements and tragedies that have happened here. Thank you so much. This is really nice to see.