Chord Easy Zine
by Bert Davis Author
This zine, brought to you by the makers of Dwelling Portably, details how to choose or create piano/guitar chords for almost any song. It goes on to describe chord combinations, fingerings, lyrics, and some sample songs to learn in an effort to increase your ability. This is a new and expanded 3 zine version of the original with more songs, chords, and ways to test your mettle!
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Comments & Reviews
I liked it. Very useful as a refrence for [i]after[/i] you've learned your chords, but not so great for actually learning your chords. It's always sitting on my piano, just in case I forget exactly where Bbm is. Extended / augmented chords are no were to be found, though...
I just looked at the pictures to figure stuff out.
It's confusing.
Hard to follow. Not a good buy.
If you love music theory, you'll love this.