
Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us

by Justin Michael Williams Author

If you can worry, you can meditate

This is not your ordinary meditation book. It begins with author Justin Michael Williams's "Freedom Meditation" and that frames the rest of the book. How do you get free from whatever internal and external forces are holding you back? Maybe it's you, being so hard on yourself. Maybe it's toxic friends and family. Maybe it's the many vices available to us. Maybe it's systemic racism. Being woke is all about waking up and seeing reality exactly as it is, uncomfortable and enraging as that may be. Meditation tools help turn that discomfort into self-love, compassion, wisdom, and the power to change the world for the better. For real. 

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)