blue roses against a deep blue sky with a full moon

Midnight Meditations: Calm Your Thoughts, Still Your Body, and Return to Sleep

by Courtney E. Ackerman Author

Good sleep is what we need to be healthy and happy—but it can be so elusive! This book contains 150 exercises to help you fall back to sleep after waking up in the night with a sore neck, full bladder, terrible dreams, or racing thoughts. From breathwork to visualizations to affirmations to meditations, there are exercises in this book that will work for you! Keep it by your bed and try them until you find the right ones. 

  • Midnight Meditations: Calm Your Thoughts, Still Your Body, and Return to Sleep image #1
  • Midnight Meditations: Calm Your Thoughts, Still Your Body, and Return to Sleep image #2
  • Midnight Meditations: Calm Your Thoughts, Still Your Body, and Return to Sleep image #3