'busy as f*ck' highlighted in yellow against a pink background, with a phoneticization of the title below, and a subtitle

Busy as F*ck

by Karen Nimmo Author

In this vitally important book for these stressed out and hectic times, clinical psychologist Karen Nimmo diagnoses, treats, and explains our culture's tendency to pack every instant with some activity so that we are all constantly Busy As F*ck. By learning how to recognize the impulse to stay constantly consumed by our schedules and intervening, we can actually get more out of our all-too-short existences than we would by rushing around all the time. Parts of this book may resonate with you, or you may recognize people you know in the anecdotes Nimmo shares. Whether you feel yourself acutely suffering from Busy As F*ck syndrome or not, there are tools and tactics in this book that you can use to slow down and take better care of your physical and emotional health.