Henry & Glenn Adult Activity and Coloring Book
by Tom Neely Author
Love is so metal. Get pumped on inspirational love with the coloring book of the century, celebrating the romance of the millenium: Henry & Glenn Forever. Bust out your rainbow crayons and make your own mark on the ongoing story of two tough men learning to express their emotions, together.
Includes all-new artwork by Tom Neely, Ed Luce, Jim Rugg, Mark Rudolph, Carmen Monoxide, Kristina Collantes, Scot Nobles, Matt Crabe, Tom Scioli, Beth Dean Rachel Adler, Keenan Marshall Keller, Tim Sievert, Katie Skelly, Alex Delaney, Rafer Roberts, Tom Forget, Don Pablo Pedro, Jeremy Owen, Willow Dawson, Shaky Kane, Gabe Martinez, Coop, and Dino-Fucker.
A companion to the hit classic comic Henry & Glenn Forever and new hardcover collection Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever.
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Comments & Reviews
A triumph!
..a bumper-packed colouring book to come at with your crayons and recreate a number of the more choice moments from the comic series, alongside some newly designed illustrations too.
An impressive amount of talent went in to this work. Kind of ironic, because it appears that the two subjects most featured here were not too thrilled to be the feature in a cult classic!
"In a world where managers color mantras to cope with all the stress, a book that lets you color Rollins' and Danzig's biceps (among many other things) just makes perfect sense.
...this is the perfect gift for the approaching holiday season."
"Based on the sketches of killer indie cartoonist Tom Neely, we get to follow Henry and Glenn through their days of staying blacker than black."
"really hilarious"
""very subversive""
"totally worth it"
"...material like this clearly shows that Neely and his associates know their stuff and have spent their fair share of time listening to Henry and Glenn’s collective output over the years."
"The artwork (contributed by an array of notable artists) is fantastic, the story lines are hilarious, and knowing that Glenn is out there somewhere sitting squarely beneath his little black cloud about it makes it all that much better.."
"...everybody's getting one for Christmas from me this year."
"You don’t even have to be familiar with the comics to find this all utterly hilarious."