
$25 Superpack: Foolproof Cookbooks

by Super Pack! Author, Sandor Ellix Katz Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author and Ashley Rowe Palafox Author

So.... you are learning to cook. Congrats! Here's a selection of three cookbooks featuring meals you can make using ingredients that are likely to be easy to find on your weekly shopping trip, with healthy, tasty recipes that are hard to mess up and easy to enjoy. 

  • Basic Fermentation - Home fermenting is super simple and great for your gut health and taste buds! Recipes in here for sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, even mead
  • Sprouts - Those dry beans you're not really that stoked to turn into another pot of chili? Sprout some of them in a jar in your cupboard and get some new flavors and crunch in your life
  • Barefoot and in the Kitchen - for the neophyte home cook, these vegan recipes are simple, tasty, and unfussy, perfect for building your basic repertoire