$20 Superpack: Open Your Heart
by Sarah Mirk Author, Kelli Refer Author, Super Pack! Author and Helen Wildfell Author
Single and don't want to be? Or feeling meh about your dating situation? This superpack is for you! It includes:
- Sex from Scratch: the friendliest, gentlest guide you'll ever find to finding, leaving, or living without all different sorts of love. It'll help you meeting someone, negotiating boundaries in an existing or emerging relationship, opening up your relationship, dating when you have kids, knowing when to break up and doing it well, and getting good with yourself every step of the way.
- Consensuality is a different kind of dating book. It's about boundaries, saying no, and feeling confident, essential skills when you're in a relationship and even more necessary if you aren't in one but want to be. This book is especially good for dealing with darker sides of the heart, navigating conflict, and learning to steady yourself before you set sail.
- Finally, we'll include a blank Open Your Heart journal to keep track of your thoughts as they evolve. When you read it again a year from now you'll hardly believe how much has changed.
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