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Kelli has always loved movement in its many forms, from riding a bike to dance. Her childhood love of bike riding was rekindled as an adult in 2008, when she turned in to a full time bike commuter. She has been an avid practitioner of yoga since 2005 and has been teaching since 2009 after she earned her 200hr RYT certificate. She lives in Seattle, Washington where she works in bicycle advocacy and pursues her interestes in bike touring and botany whenever she can.

Bike Shop Starter Pack
by Emilie Bahr Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Ethan Clark Author, Shelley Lynn Jackson Author, 7 more
Get on your bike and go for a ride! If you're looking for perfect impulse buys for your bike shop counter or a National…
$300.00 $150.00 1 comment

Bike Chakra (four postcards)
by Kelli Refer Author
Kelli Refer made this painting to illustrate one of the sections in her bicycle yoga guide, Pedal, Stretch, Breathe. It…
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Open Your Heart blank book
by Kelli Refer Author
Kelli Refer designed these blank journals as a companion to her book Pedal, Stretch, Breathe: The Yoga of Bicycling. The…
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Pedal, Stretch, Breathe: The Yoga of Bicycling
by Kelli Refer Author
If you’re a bicyclist who’s curious about yoga (or just about why your hips feel so tight after a long ride) or a…
$9.95 2 comments
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