$45-$60 Superpack: Psyched About Healing
by Super Pack! Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
This bundle pulls together some of Dr. Faith G. Harper's classics about unfucking your brain, life, and body, plus some accountability work for good measure.
The $45 pack includes:
- Unfuck Your Addiction, to help you learn what causes bad habits, how to recognize an unhealthy pattern before it turns into addiction, and how to support someone dealing with addiction
- Unfuck Your Eating, for building a better relationship with food, your eating habits, and your body
- How to Be Accountable, for taking responsibility for your actions and ending toxic cycles
- Unfuck Your Boundaries, learn to communicate your needs, assert your boundaries, and respect others' limitss
- Unfuck Your Body, for reclaiming your connection to your body, overcome body shame, and exercises to reconnect it all
Want even more? $60 gets you everything above, plus a few extra paperbacks and zines:
- Unfuck Your Mental Health Paradigm, to help you recognize that the systems at play likely have a lot to do with your mental health (or lack thereof), and how to empower yourself
- Unfuck Your PTSD, for identifying how your anxiety and trauma can surface, and how to heal it
- This is Your Brain on Anxiety, for learning how anxiety effects your brain and how to cope
- This Is Your Brain On Depression, see above, but about depression
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