Monthly Archives: June 2017

New Kickstarter: A zine about bikes, class, and social justice

The new (14th!) issue of Elly’s feminist bike zine, Taking the Lane, is called Bikequity and it’s live on Kickstarter right now.

Inside you’ll find a mix of new and familiar voices, from Bicycle / Race (forthcoming from Microcosm 2018) author Adonia Lugo’s motivational tale of cofounding an iconic cycling event to a stunning personal essay by many-times Bikes in Space contributor Gretchin Lair. Writers tackle issues of how bicycling interacts with their identity and socioeconomic status in diverse and compelling ways.

Oh, and the project was selected to participate in Kickstarter Gold, a month-long initiative to bring back the creators of iconic past projects. We’re honored to get to be part of it.

We think you’ll like this zine-book. Please consider backing it!

the book cover

The cover of Bikequity

Basic Fermentation

A very literal guide, “A DIY Guide to Cultural Manipulation” is a great resource for learning to use the microbes around you. Wanna learn how to make your own sourdough? Miso? Beer? Yogurt? Injera (Ethiopian sourdough) bread?!!! It’s in this handy dandy and super resourceful guide for fermenting in the comfort of your own home. Yummy home made sour cream! Buttermilk! Cheese and tempeh!!! Double and triple wow your friends and family with the helpful directions on how to ferment your own kimchi and other tasty, briny treats. This is the original zine written by Sandor Ellix Katz before he went on to become an international fermenting superstar. It’s still his most accessible, basic, and pocket-sized guide!

Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever

Two men.
Two myths.
One Legend.


The greatest love story every told has finally been released in graphic novel form. This epic tome features twenty short stories about the domestic life of “Henry” and “Glenn” and sometimes their neighbors “Daryl” and “John.” Digging beneath Glenn’s bricks in the front yard, Henry uncovers Glenn’s mother. Freshly unearthed, she moves in with him and Henry. Glenn’s issues come to the surface as she critiques his art, replaces his wardrobe, scrubs their dungeon, and recalls his childhood. Later, Glenn tries to sell his signature to a UPS driver, takes a punch, and has some daydreaming adventures with a plunger. Henry, “a loud guy with a good work ethic,” shows his darker side and indifference to a fan as he drinks black coffee and bonds with Glenn over their distaste for their own bands. These are two men who truly suffer best alone together.

Among other hijinks, Henry and Glenn go to therapy together, battle an evil cult in the forest, and profess their love for each other, all while dealing with jealousy and other normal relationship problems and trying to figure out if their soft-rocking neighbors are actually Dungeons and Dragons playing Satanists. The saga of Henry and Glenn is a true testament to the power of love to overcome even the biggest, manliest egos of our time.

The book collects four serialized comics, the trade paperback, the original 6×6″ book, and adds 16 never-before published pages, including new stories, pin up art, and full color covers from the original series.

Even bigger update: We’re now offering the new hardcover with a signed and numbered dust jacket in a limited edition of 1,000! Get them before they’re gone…

Xerography Debt #41

“We are here because art, creating, and communication are forms of resistance. We are here because we are not one lone voice screaming into the night. And neither are you.” begins this issue of Xerography Debt. In a time of political upheaval and personal problems, zines are here to deliver you to a powerful destination of meaning, purpose, and fascinatingly unique subject matter. Xerography Debt is amazing!” proclaims SeaGreenZines. Since 1999, Davida Gypsy Breier’s community-building zine formula in Xerography Debt might be best summarized as an obsession for all involved. Billy da Bling Bunny Roberts recently said “It’s the glue that holds the zine community together.” Maintaining three issues per year, the 40th issue of Xerography Debt is still the same ol’ charming personality, allowing a hand-picked cast of contributors to wax philosophical about the zines they love. In an age of blogs and tweets, Xerography Debt is a beautiful, earnest anachronism, a publication that seems to come from a different era, but is firmly entrenched in the now. And they want to review your zines in future issues, send to: Davida Gypsy Breier / Glen Arm, MD 21057

P.S. True lovers of Xerography Debt can subscribe to the next six issues!

Henry & Glenn Adult Activity & Coloring Book

Love is so metal. Get pumped on inspirational love with the coloring book of the century, celebrating the romance of the millennium: Henry & Glenn Forever. Bust out your rainbow crayons and make your own mark on the ongoing story of two tough men learning to express their emotions, together.

Six Days in Cincinnati Out Now, & Other Social Justice Titles To Survive Trump’s Amurica

This month sees the official publication of our comics journalism re-release, Six Days in Cincinnati: A Graphic Account of the Riots that Shook the Nation a Decade Before Black Lives Matter by Dan Mendez Moore.

This is the graphic history of the 2001 Cincinnati riots, told for the first time from the perspective of the participants.

When Timothy Thomas, a 19 year old black man, was fatally shot by police, the city broke out into nonviolent civil disobedience that was met with further police violence.

This was the first major uprising of the 21st Century, matched only the LA riots a decade before and the protests in Ferguson over a decade later. Author and


illustrator Dan Mendez Moore was 17 at the time and participated in the six days of protests that shook the city between Thomas’s death and his funeral.

Mendez Moore’s comics journalism account sensitively captures a fiery moment in U.S. history through interviews with protesters, community leaders, bystanders, and a frustrated looter. He portrays the tension of a city boiling over, political leaders taking advantage, and an inner-city community coming together.

Six Days in Cincinnati is an all-American story of systemic racism and the power of popular movements, more relevant today than ever before.

→ Behind the Scenes Note:

Six Days was originally published as Mark Twain Was Right,

referring to a protest sign seen at the March for Justice that quoted Mark Twain:

If the world comes to an end, I want to be in Cincinnati.

Everything comes there 10 years later.” ←

Check out an interview with creator Dan Mendez Moore over at Literary Hub, or check out some of the other love on Library Journal or Broken Frontier.

Get one now!

And if you can’t afford a copy, our website offers sliding scale pricing, so you can pay what works for you.  If you still can’t, check out this Goodreads Giveaway, starting today and ending June 20th.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Six Days in Cincinnati by Dan Méndez Moore

Six Days in Cincinnati

by Dan Méndez Moore

Giveaway ends June 20, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway


Here are a few of our other social justice and activism titles, because resisting matters when the rules are wrong.


Teenage Rebels: Stories of Successful High School Activists From the Little Rock 9 to the Class of Tomorrow — tells the stories of teenagers that took matters into their own hands and got shit done. [Want to win a copy? Check out the goodreads overstock giveaway open from June 19th to July 1st.]

Things That HelpHealing Our Lives Through Feminism, Anarchism, Punk, & Adventure — zinester Cindy Crabb talks healing, helping, and moving forward with feminism and activism.

Think! Eat! Act!: A Sea Shepherd Chef’s Vegan Recipes — a Sea Shepherd’s guide to eating delicious food without compromising your values.

Bikenomics: How Bicycling Can Save The Economy (Updated and Expanded) — explores how bicycling infrastructure can build healthy economies and help with activism and social justice.

Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories in Extreme Futures — deals a lot with societies in need of activism. “By the time I was done [with “Shelter”] I was an angry feminist myself.” (source)

Edible Secrets: A Food Tour of Classified US History

Bipedal, By Pedal! #3: A history of bicycle activism in Portland, OR

Hurt: Notes on Torture in a Modern Democracy

Rad Dad #21: Occupy

Support: Feminist Relationship Tools to Heal Yourself and End Rape Culture

Hidden Histories and Surviving Fascism

Threadbare: Clothes, Sex, and Trafficking — comics-journalist Anne Elizabeth Moore and the LadyDrawers take on the global fashion industry and their many crimes against their employees, customers, and planet.

Soviet Daughter: A Graphic Revolution – Tells the comics-memoir story of Julia Alekseyeva’s great-grandmother, a self-educated woman making her way through life in soviet Ukraine.

On The Books: A Graphic Tale of Working Woes at NYC’s Strand Bookstore

CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting: Dark Deeds & Derring-Do from 1950 to Today

100 Years of Modern Iran (1891-1991)

Getting Through it All

How to Plan for Action: A Protest Prep Zine

Coping Skills: Because sometimes life is some serious Bullshit

This is Your Brain on Anxiety: What Happens and What Helps

Surviving: Getting Through The Shit Life Throws At You

How Not To Kill Yourself: A Survival Guide for Imaginative Pessimists


Further Reading

Join the Microcosm Rebel Alliance

Native Resistance Toplist– from Firebrands: Portraits of the Americas and An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, to Empower Yoself Before You Wreck Yoself: native american feminist musings and Everyone Calls Themselves An Ally Until It Is Time To Do Some Real Ally Shit.

Welcome To Trump America Toplist – from How to Plan for Action: A Protest Prep Zine to How Not To Kill Yourself: A Survival Guide for Imaginative Pessimists, Becoming a Citizen Activist: Stories, Strategies, and Advice for Changing Our World and Introducing Fascism: A Graphic Guide

Take PRIDE! – from Indestructible: Growing up Queer, Cuban, and Punk in Miami to Portland Queer: Tales of the Rose City and My Brain Hurts.


Want to be a part of the social justice rebellion? Check out our Rebel Alliance Super Pack. Elly put this together after the 2016 election, carefully picking out some of our most educational and inspirational titles centered on activism, human rights, politics, and rebellion. Get inspired and go make some changes!

Henry and Glenn are BACK

The greatest love story ever told is now all in one place! This month we’re finally getting in the new, hardcover, fully collected editions of Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever. Begun more as a joke than not, this punk satire comic series has grown a life of its own over the years, catching the eye of punks and readers around the world.

Two men. Two myths. One legend. The greatest love story ever told.

Twenty short comic stories about the domestic life of “Henry” and “Glenn” and sometimes their neighbors “Daryl” and “John.” Glenn deals with issues with his mother while Henry shows off his darker side and indifference. These are two men who truly suffer best together.

This book collects the entire series for the first time, adds even more never-before-published-pages, and features a spiffy hardcover to truly make this edition a complete (-ly ridiculous) collector’s edition!

For the collectors out there: Tom Neely has put together a rad special edition dust jacket, which will be signed and numbered, for 1000 copies. This is the ultimate Henry & Glenn fan item: a signed, limited edition tome marking the first time the H&G series will be fully collected in a single volume.
Get one before they’re gone — we start shipping next week!

And for EVEN MORE Henry and Glenn, check out the new H&G Adult Activity & Coloring Book. Color your idols! This one’s available everywhere in November, but shipping from us direct starting next week!

Check out some of the media hype over at Dangerous Minds and Graphic Policy, or learn more about the creation of H&G in this interview with Tom in VICE Creators.

Then, get a copy!

Low on cash? Win copies from Texas radio station KCAL Nation here:


And if you’re one of those social media-types, follow the #henryandglenn hashtag on twitter to keep up with news, updates, and giveaways!

Henry & Glenn always makes a great gift.