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Read Zines, Change the World
by Joe Biel Author
Zines are a powerful tool for changing minds and sharing information. Get other people stoked about the power of zines…
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Resistance is Beautiful
Celebrate the power of resistance - whether against the patriarchy, systemic racism, the ravages of capitalism, our…
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Revolution Between the Lines
Reading is revolutionary! Celebrate the power of good writing with this typewriter-themed magnet. Stick it on your…
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Ronald Reagan's Grave is a Gender Neutral Bathroom
For a man who did so much to make queer folks' lives difficult during his lifetime, he sure has done a lot in his death…
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Scarcity v Abundance
by Joe Biel Author
It's easy to find ourselves thinking that life is a zero sum game. The more one person has, the less another has.…
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Sounds Queer, Let's Do It!
If you like dinosaurs and all things queer, this may be the magnet for you. Strut your stuff and announce your queer…
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Stagnating vs Effective Leadership
Effective leadership takes a lot of different forms, but it isn't always easy to know if you're succeeding as a leader…
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Street Parking is Theft magnet
by Helen Ho Author
Street parking literally converts public space into private storage for those privileged enough to own an automobile.…
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Stuck as Hell River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
To be stuck or not to be? If you've written yourself into a corner or just don't know how to address a memo, pin it…
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Swagger River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
A magnet you can gift to the coolest cat(s) you know.
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This is so Romantic Magnet
What an idyllic setting: a bicycle built for two, a basket full of hearts, and a couple, their antennae swaying lazily…
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Thriving vs Starving
There are lots of ways to thrive, and living your life well doesn't always look the same for everyone. But there are…
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Too Broken for Words River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Sometimes there are no words. Use this magnet to explain when speaking is outside of what's doable today.
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Totally Sure I Didn't Shower River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
We all have those days. Here's a magnet that fully discloses the truth. See how many people approach to say, "Same!"
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Town Bikes magnets
by Taliah Lempert Author
Sturdy, high quality magnets for your fridge, locker, desk, or other metal surface. These are sets of three, with each…
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Transgender Pride Flag
Show your trans pride with this Microcosm-themed take on the Progress Pride Flag. With the Microcosm logo and colors…
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Up Shit's Creek River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Life's topsy turvy, and thing's are about to go down. Display this magnet on your desk, bulletin board, or fridge to…
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What Should I Do Next?
by Joe Biel Author
Everybody gets bogged down in tasks from time to time and feels uncertain about how to start their long list of to-dos.…
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Whatevs River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Life will be what it will be. Show people your well-adjusted personality with this magnet. Or whatevs.
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When Life is Shit, Remember That Shit is the Best Fertilizer
Sometimes life doesn't just give you lemons. It gives you a whole lot of shit. But this friendly and helpful magnet is…
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Witch Shit Up (Brooms)
Celebrate your witchy self with this magically inspired magnet! Stick it on your fridge, your dishwasher, or any other…
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Witch Shit Up (Moon)
Celebrate your witchy self with this magically inspired magnet! Stick it on your fridge, your dishwasher, or any metal…
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A Woman Needs a Man Like a Fish Needs a Bicycle magnet
by Echo Rivera Author
"A Woman Needs a Man Like a Fish Needs a Bicycle"
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