Monthly Archives: May 2017


Support encourages everyone to take a step back, listen, think, and talk about sex, consent, violence, and abuse. If you or someone you know have ever been assaulted or victimized, how to be an ally can be confusing. These words and the connection they offer can help. With ideas and encouragement to help yourself and others cope with, prevent, and end sexual violence and abuse, this collection of personal experiences, advice, guest articles, and comic excerpts wants to help.

Are You Striving, Thriving, or Starving?

Update: The Thrive/Starve poster is now available for purchase!

Too many times in all our lives we let the bad things in our lives outweigh the good, and fall into the toxic habits of being extra judgmental or fearing change, holding grudges or lashing out at others, avoiding responsibility or blaming others for your problems or your own failures. These unhealthy ways of thinking muck everything up in our lives in all sorts of ways that hurt you and the people around you.

Below are some recommendations from Dr. Faith’s 5-Minute Therapy zine series for common unhealthy habits and ways of thinking that we can often find ourselves stuck in.

We know building healthy habits can feel exhausting when you’re weighted down with so many bad ones, but we swear, it’s worth it, and talking (or reading) about these things does help.


Respect and Compliment others instead of bypassing their needs or perspective:

Boundaries: Because We Don’t Teach This Shit in Elementary School

BDSM FAQ: Your Antidote for Fifty Shades of Grey  

Relationshipping: Love Differently, Because Rules are for Games     

Embrace Your Self instead of Comparing Yourself to Others and/or Internalizing Criticism:

Coping Skills: Because Sometimes Life is Some Serious Bullshit

 (by Elly Blue)

This is Your Brain on Anxiety

Sex Without Roles: Transcending Gender

How Not To Kill Yourself (by Set Sytes)

Blaming Others and Holding A Grudge:

Anger zineThis is Your Brain on Anger

This is Your Brain on Grief

Feeling Entitled or Never Setting Goals:

Working: Makin’ Paper Without Losing Your Mind or Selling Your Soul

Adulting: How to Be An Adultier Adult

Fearing Change or Thinking You Know It All:

DeFriending: Navigating the Friendship Breakup

This is Your Brain on Addiction

Emotional Freedom Technique

Surviving: Getting Through the Shit Life Throws At You


If you like more than a few, you might want to check out the Dr. Faith Superpack, and start your own collection.