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Sticker #585Every Bike Is a Girl's Bike
Let's just stop it with the patriarchal bull, okay? Slap this vinyl sticker proudly on your bike, car, laptop, water…
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Sticker #586Make conspiracy theories great again
Cook something up to expose the machinations of power—why let the fascists have all the fun? A sturdy vinyl sticker…
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Sticker #587Autism Causes Vaccines
Vaccines save lives by preventing diseases and reducing the chance for outbreaks as well as protecting health throughout…
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Sticker #588Vaccines Cause Adults
Vaccines save lives by preventing diseases and reducing the chance for outbreaks as well as protecting health throughout…
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Sticker #589Existence Is a Scam Dreamed up by Writers to Sell More Books
Fiction writers are an easy target, but we're looking at you, too, memoirists, auto-theorists, essayists, and other…
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Sticker #590Free Palestine
Viva viva Palestina! A sturdy vinyl sticker to slap on your bike, water bottle, car, or anywhere—from the river to the…
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Sticker #591Cars Kill Empathy
Otherwise folks might be a little more concerned about the "killing people, animals, infrastructure, and the…
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Sticker #592You Parked like an Asshole
Cars, man. Sometimes you gotta let them know. A sturdy vinyl sticker for your bike, water bottle, laptop, vehicle—or…
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Sticker #593Normalize Poop Talk
Rumor has it that everybody poops, we may as well chat about it. A sturdy vinyl sticker for your water bottle, laptop,…
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Sticker #594Ask Me about My Blood Sugar
No really, ask me—am I acting weird? I probably need to eat something. A sturdy vinyl sticker for your bike, water…
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Sticker #595Try Fail Try
Success, in this economy? We'd rather engage in the generative art of existence and persistence! A sturdy vinyl sticker…
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Sticker #596Tell Your Story
We need it—don't let them tell it for you. A sturdy vinyl sticker for your laptop, bumper, bicycle, or wherever else…
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Sticker #597Existence Is a Scam Dreamed up by Philosophers to Sell More Philosophy
Considering how well philosophy sells, it doesn't seem to be working—but the people should be informed! A sturdy vinyl…
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Sticker #598Existence Is a Scam Dreamed up by Poets to Sell More Poetry
They'll come up with anything to get a book deal these days. A sturdy vinyl sticker for your bike, water bottle, or…
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by Margaret Killjoy Author
Finally! Rot in pieces, up the punks. A sturdy vinyl sticker for your bike, water bottle, or anywhere else you want to…
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Sticker #600I'm here for the cat party
A cat party is any party where there is at least one cat in attendance, ignoring the rest of the party. AKA, the best…
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Sticker #601Ask me about menstrual extraction
Menstrual extraction (or M.E.) is a suction process to pass the entire period all at once, which has the side effect of…
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Sticker #602Disabled Witch
Accessibility is magical. Slap this sticker on your walker, bike, water bottle, book of shadows, or wherever you like…
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Sticker #603witch business
What witchy business are you getting up to?Slap this vinyl sticker on your broom, your bike, your book of shadows, your…
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Sticker #604Utopian Witch
Utopia: an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.Dream of a better world, witches.Slap…
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Sticker #605Rebel Witch
Declare your rebellious, magickal nature for all the world to see.Slap this vinyl sticker on your bike, broom, laptop,…
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Sticker #606I love weird jazz
It's just like, weird music that goes on forever. And that's awesome. Tell the world you love jazz and slap this vinyl…
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Sticker #608Fuck the Petropatriarchy
by Elly Blue Author
What??!!! Petro-masculinity is a thing? Who knew that white-male patriarchy was responsible for, and continues to…
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Sticker #609The Underground Is Bigger than the Mainstream
by Joe Biel Author
One of Joe's most memorable quotes, in sticker form! Slap this vinyl sticker on your guitar case, helmet, a light pole,…
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Sticker #610Amazon Instruction Manual
by Larry Law Author
Amazon has spent nearly three decades devaluing the book industry and selling books at a loss. This sticker by…
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Sticker #611This Machine Kills Fascists
by Larry Law Author
Don't let them get away with it. It is always legal to film cops in public. Connecting with each other is how we…
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Sticker #612Ask Me What I'm Reading
by Larry Law Author
This is for anyone reading a murder mystery, or warning whoever is interrupting you that they're about to become the…
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Sticker #613Fuck You, I Won't Do What You Tell Me
by Larry Law Author
Throw the book at 'em and read whatever you want. This vinyl sticker can go on your binder, telephone poll, mailbox, or…
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Sticker #614Fuck the Supreme Court
by Larry Law Author
In 2022, the Supreme Court voted to end Roe vs Wade. We still think that sucks. Put this sticker on your water bottle,…
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Sticker #615Rainbow Love
by Larry Law Author
Love wins. Paint it everywhere. Put this die-cut sticker on a lamp post, trash can, bike, car, or wherever you want…
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