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Davida G. Breier has spent the last two decades in various roles within the book industry and currently works for Johns Hopkins University Press. She's helmed Xerography Debt since 1999 and has published per-zines intermittently since 1995.  She’s also written for, CrimeReads, and has contributed to many, many zines and a couple of books. Her debut novel, Sinkhole, was published by the University of New Orleans Press. Davida lives near Baltimore, Maryland. 

Xerography Debt #27

by Davida G. Breier Author

Like a well-oiled machine of zine-y awesomeness, Xerography Debt, the “review zine with perzine tendencies,” gives…

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Xerography Debt #26

by Davida G. Breier Author

Davida Gypsy Breier's review zine, Xerography Debt, is a labor of love and obsession. This 26th issue, Xerography Debt…

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Xerography Debt #25

by Davida G. Breier Author

Here's issue #25 of Xerography, featuring more of the beloved "review zine with perzine tendencies" wherein your…

$3.00 7 comments

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