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Davida G. Breier has spent the last two decades in various roles within the book industry and currently works for Johns Hopkins University Press. She's helmed Xerography Debt since 1999 and has published per-zines intermittently since 1995. She’s also written for, CrimeReads, and has contributed to many, many zines and a couple of books. Her debut novel, Sinkhole, was published by the University of New Orleans Press. Davida lives near Baltimore, Maryland.

Xerography Debt #53
by Davida G. Breier Author
In this fifty-third installation of Xerography Debt, dig into 123 different reviews of zines across a whole range of…
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Xerography Debt #54
by Davida G. Breier Author
Dive into this issue of Xerography Debt and discover all the latest zines worth checking out! This zine about other…
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Xerography Debt #55
by Davida G. Breier Editor
Get ready to dive head first into this brand-spanking new issue of Xerography Debt and find out what zines are worth…
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