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Josephine Baker (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Agathe Sorlet Illustrator
Meet Josephine Baker, the world-famous entertainer, activist, and hero of the French Resistance in this picture book…
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Ada Lovelace (Little People Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Zafouko Yamamoto Illustrator
This board book is a perfect introduction to Ada Lovelace for babies and toddlers. See how Ada grew up and dedicated…
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Mahatma Gandhi (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Albert Arrayas Illustrator
When he was young in India, Gandhi was a rebellious teen. But he started to form beliefs as a young man that brought him…
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Rudolf Nureyev (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Eleonora Arosio Illustrator
Learn all about Rudolf Nureyev, one of the greatest male ballet dancers ever with this quirky picture book biography for…
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Mary Shelley (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Yelena Bryksenkova Illustrator
Like every famous person, Mary Shelly began her life as a child with a dream. This picture book for kids ages 4-7 tells…
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Mary Shelley, Wilma Rudolph, Jane Austen (3 Book Set)
by Bàrbara Alca Illustrator and Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author
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David Bowie (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Ana Albero Illustrator
We all know David Bowie as the starman who dazzled audiences around the world with his music. This picture-book…
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Dolly Parton (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Daria Solak Illustrator
This empowering picture book biography for kids ages 4-7 tells the inspiring story of Dolly Parton and her career as a…
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RuPaul (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author
From the Little People, Big Dreams series, this adorable little biographical volume on the life of RuPaul will introduce…
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Malala Yousafzai (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Manal Mirza Illustrator
When Malala was born in Mingora, Pakistan, her father was determined she would have every opportunity that a boy would…
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Marie Curie (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Frau Isa Author
When Marie was young, she was unable to go to college because she was a woman. But when she was older, her scientific…
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Mother Teresa (Little People, BIG DREAMS)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Natascha Rosenberg Author
Agnes was born in Skopje, Macedonia. From an early age, she was wild about religion and fascinated by stories of…
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Harriet Tubman (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Pili Aguado Illustrator
Little Harriet was born into slavery on a plantation in Maryland. Though life had many obstacles, Harriet persisted in…
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Muhammad Ali (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author
When he was little, Muhammad Ali had his bicycle stolen. He wanted to fight the thief, but a policeman told him him to…
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Ada Lovelace (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Zafouko Yamamoto Illustrator
As a child, Ada had a big imagination and a talent for mathematics. She grew up in a noble household in England, where…
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Alan Turing (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Ashling Lindsay Author
Alan grew up in England, where his best friends were numbers and a little boy called Christopher. When his young friend…
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Amelia Earhart (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Mariadiamantes Author
When Amelia was young, she liked to imagine she could stretch her wings and fly away like a bird. As a grown woman, she…
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Frida Kahlo (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Gee Fan Eng Illustrator
When Frida was a teenager, a terrible road accident changed her life forever. Unable to walk, she began painting from…
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Martin Luther King Jr (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Mai Ly Degnan Author
Little Martin grew up in a family of preachers: his dad was a preacher, his uncle was a preacher, his grandfather was a…
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Ella Fitzgerald (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Bàrbara Alca Author
This inspiring biographical picture book for kids ages 4-7 introduces Ella Fitzgerald, one of the most important jazz…
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Little People, Big Dreams Learning Cards
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author
Gain a deeper understanding of 20 amazing women from the internationally best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series…
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Vivienne Westwood (Little People, BIG DREAMS)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Laura Callaghan Illustrator
When Vivienne was a young woman, she wasn't sure how a working class girl from England could make a living in the art…
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Muhammad Ali
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Brosmind Illustrator
When he was a child called Cassius Clay, Muhammad Ali had his bicycle stolen. Angered, Muhammad wanted to fight the…
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Andy Warhol (Little People, Big Dreams)
by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara Author and Timothy Hunt Author
In the future, every book will be world-famous for 15 minutes and this version of Andy Warhol is no exception. Young…
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