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Planting an Idea: Critical and Creative Thinking about Environmental Problems
by Jerry Apps Author and Natasha Kassulke Author
It's easy to look at the state of climate change and panic. It's hard to know where to start, and even if there's…
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Preserving Memories: Growing up in My Mother's Kitchen
by Judy Glattstein Author
Preserving Memories is two books in one. Author Judy Glattstein, a consultant and teacher at the New York Botanical…
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Strange Fruit, Volume II: More Uncelebrated Narratives from Black History
by Joel Christian Gill Author
This graphic novel contains true stories of unknown American heroes. Collecting stories from early African American…
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Strange Fruit, Volume I: Uncelebrated Narratives from Black History
by Joel Christian Gill Author
Collecting stories from early African American history, this comic shows how people succeeded in the face of slavery…
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Indians of the Pacific Northwest: From the Coming of the White Man to the Present Day
by Billy Frank, Jr Foreword, Steve Pavlik Foreword and Vine Deloria, Jr Author
Before the arrival of the white man, the Pacific Northwest was a bustling utopia where American Indian tribes flourished…
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Bessie Stringfield: Tales of the Talented Tenth, no. 2
by Joel Christian Gill Author
Bessie Stringfield, the Motorcycle Queen of Miami, was a pioneer in motorcycling and led an extraordinary life. An…
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