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When to Rob a Bank: ...& 131 More Warped Suggestions & Well-Intended Rants
by Steven D. Levitt Author and Stephen J. Dubner Author
Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, the writers behind Freakonomics, SuperFreakonomics and Think Like a Freak, are…
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Why I Love My Family: A beautifully illustrated children s picture book treasury containing six stories - the perfect gift for a loved one!
by Daniel Howarth Author
Celebrating families, this beautiful hardback treasury brings together six beloved picture books featuring adorable…
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Wild Air: In Search of Birdsong
by James Macdonald Lockhart Author
The author embarks on an exploration of birdsong, focusing on eight species across various habitats, from heathlands to…
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The World According to Kids: A Child's Eye View of Life, Love and Chocolate Cake
by Sally Collings Author
Kids see the world differently. They have all kinds of little tidbits of wisdom to share, if we would just listen. For…
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The World's Dumbest Criminals: Outrageously True Stories of Criminals Committing Stupid Crimes
by HarperCollins Publishers Canada Author
For every Moriarty out there, there are a thousand other criminals without the know-how to make crime work for them.…
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The World's Even Dumber Criminals: Unbelievable True Tales of Crime Gone Wrong
by Duncan McKenzie Author
This hilarious collection of true stories features dumb criminals committing stupid crimes. A thief leaves his phone and…
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