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The Canon: The Pagan Mystery as the Rule of Arts (Lost Library)
by William Stirling Author
The seminal work from 1897, this blend of ancient myths, art, architecture, and literature, has been the king of all…
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Mazes and Labyrinths
by William Henry Mathews Author
Why did the Minotaur of legend live in a labyrinth? Is a maze different than a labyrinth? If you want to know more…
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The Hand and Its Mysteries
by Karma Author
If life comes too fast at you, get a leg up and see the future by decoding the mysteries of the palm. You'll not only be…
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The High History Of The Holy Grail
by Sebastian Evans Author
The Book of the Grail was originally written in the 13th century, but has been lost to history. This version has been…
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Eleusinian Mysteries & Rites
by Dudley Wright Author
The most famous of the secret religious rites of ancient Greece, the Eleusinian Mysteries were initiation ceremonies…
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The Ancient Wisdom
by Annie Besant Author
Author Annie Besant believed in woman's rights and Indian independence, and that progressive mindsight helped her to…
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The Serpent Power
by John George Woodroffe Arthur Avalon Author
Kundalini, the Serpent Power, is a mythological consort of Shiva but philosophically, she represents creative energy.…
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Old Stone Monuments
by James Fergusson Author
The ancient world was full of wonders that we can only guess at. From the lost Seven Wonders to monuments forgotten by…
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