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Little Book of Big Ideas: 150 Concepts and Breakthroughs that Transformed History
by Daniel Smith Author
A concise exploration of some of the most important ideas in history in accessible form. Ideas from science, religion,…
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I Used to Know that: History
by Emma Marriott Author
If can quite remember who the Sumerians were or what the War of the Roses was about, this book will fill in those gaps…
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I Used to Know that: English
by Patrick Scrivenor Author
If you remember the subjunctive or split inifinitives, you can relearn the essentials of the English language with this…
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Man Up!: The Real Man's Book of Manly Knowledge
by Rod Green Author
Manly men make use of many kinds of knowledge, but how many of these do we still remember today? Learn all the assorted…
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Weather Book: Why It Happens & Where It Comes From
by Diana Craig Author
This gift book is a meterological miscellany full of practical diagrams, useful facts, and explanations of weather…
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Tattoo Designs: Creative Colouring
A coloring book filled with intricate tattoo designs, From skulls to flowers, dragons to tribal designs, favorite flash…
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Rebel Star: Our Quest to Solve the Great Mysteries of the Sun
by Colin Stuart Author
An essential guide by a noted astronomy journalist that explores our fascination with the sun and the science behind our…
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Mindful Flatulence: Find Your Focus, De-Stress, and Release
by Gus T. Blooms Author
It can be easy to rush through life without noticing your flatulence. Paying attention to your farts, and their…
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Mindfulness Crosswords: Everyday Puzzles for Wellbeing
by Gareth Moore Author
Make some time to relax and lose yourself in these not-too-diabolical crossword puzzles, designed to take your mind off…
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The Good Bee: A Celebration of Bees and How to Save Them
by Alison Benjamin Author and Brian McCallum Author
Without bees, the world would look vastly different. And we're not just talking about honey bees—there are 20,000…
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The Future of Farting
by Dr. Barry Guff Author
This handy collection of tips, anecdotes, and a whole lot of gas reveals the huge potential for farting in the modern…
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Social Butterflies: Reclaiming the Positive Power of Social Networks
by Michael Sanders Author and Susannah Hume Author
In the era of social media, which can so easily make us lose faith in humanity, how can we remain positive and hopeful?…
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Why We Think the Things We Think: Philosophy in a Nutshell
by Alain Stephen Author
Can we ever experience anything objectively? Is it better to love than be loved? Are destiny and fate real things? What…
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Why We Do the Things We Do: Psychology in a Nutshell
by Joel Levy Author
Can you really tell a criminal by the bumps on his head? What does a memory look like? Can a machine think? Why are some…
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