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A History of Birds
by Simon Wills Author
This uncovers fascinating and sometimes quirky stories about our historical relationship with birds, from their…
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Murder, Witchcraft and the Killing of Wildlife: Police Investigations at the Heart of Africa
by Stephen Rabey Matthews Author
This book is a compilation of stories that chronicle the organized destabilization of the African continent. From the…
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Egyptomaniacs: How We Became Obsessed with Ancient Egypt
by Nicky Nielsen Author
While the discover of the pharaohs in the 20th century ignited a new egyptmania, cultures have been obsessed with Egypt…
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A History of the Undead: Mummies, Vampires and Zombies
by Charlotte Booth Author
Are you a fan of the undead? Love the explosion of undead media in the past twenty years? Wondered if they could…
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How to Survive In Ancient Egypt
by Charlotte Booth Author
We've all wondered how we would fare if we were transported back in time, and without a doubt we have thought about what…
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A Century of Female Revolution: From Peterloo to Parliament
by Glynis Cooper Author
A Century of Female Revolution claims that the100 years from 1819-1919 were the most remarkable in the history of…
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A History of the Vampire in Popular Culture: Love at First Bite
by Violet Fenn Author
Sorry werewolves and mummies. We all know the sexiest monster is the vampire. But what makes them that way? Vampires…
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Female Railway Workers In World War II
by Susan Major Author
World War II was probably the nadir of human history, but paradoxically it served as the birthplace of a lot of…
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Robin Hood: The Life & Legend of an Outlaw
by Stephen Basdeo Author
Robin Hood is one of the most long-lasting and notorious folk characters in the world. He was portrayed as a loveable…
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The Real Sherlock Holmes: The Hidden Story of Jerome Caminada
by Angela Buckley Author
Truth is stranger than fiction, and if you delighted in the fictional adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the travails of the…
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The History Behind Game of Thrones: The North Remembers
by David C. Weinczok Author
Picture a massive wall that splits the land in twain and marks the end of the "civilized" world. Think of raiders on war…
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