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Hairless: Breaking the Vicious Circle of Hair Removal, Submission, and Self-Hatred
by Bel Olid Author and Laura McGloughlin Author
This overdue intervention in Western society's obsession with regulating women's body hair is thoughtfully written and…
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Posthuman Feminism
In this captivating book of feminist theory, author Rosi Braidotti examines contemporary feminism in the light of recent…
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by Sergio del Molino Author and Thomas Bunstead Translator
Skin is the body's largest organ, and one of its most fickle. It is the border between ourselves and the world, it shows…
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Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing
by John B. Thompson Author
The last forty years have brought some truly revolutionary changes to the publishing industry, fueled by the rise of…
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Peak Libido: Sex, Ecology, and the Collapse of Desire
by Dominic Pettman Author
Drawing on the work of a wide range of thinkers from Georges Bataille to Donna Haraway, Pettman explores the…
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The Case for a Four Day Week
by Anna Coote Author, Aidan Harper Author and Alfie Stirling Author
This pragmatic pathway to a shorter work week safeguards earnings for the lower-paid and keeps the economy…
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After Law
by Laurent De Sutter Author and Barnaby Norman Translator
In this work of political philosophy, author Laurent De Sutter undertakes an analysis of the ways in which the concept…
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The Ungovernable Society: A Genealogy of Authoritarian Liberalism
by Grégoire Chamayou Author and Andrew Brown Translator
The upheavals of the late 1960s and early 1970s quickly spread through all sectors of social and economic life,…
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Post Growth: Life After Capitalism
by Tim Jackson Author
As the COVID crisis continues, it is increasingly apparent that our current economic system is broken. Capitalism has…
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Socialism for Soloists
by William Edmundson Author
William Edmundson argues that there are compelling reasons for individualists to embrace socialism. Political equality…
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Ours: The Case for Universal Property
by Peter Barnes Author
In this concise and compelling book, entrepreneur and writer Peter Barnes lays out the case for universal property.…
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The New Laws of Love: Online Dating and the Privatization of Intimacy
by Marie Bergström Author
In this fascinating exploration of the recent rise in online dating, author and scholar Marie Bergström charts its…
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