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The Poetry Witch Little Book of Spells
by Annie Finch Author
A pocket-sized chapbook of poetic incantations, each page containing a two- to four-line exhortation. The book is…
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The 'Hood Comes First: Race, Space, and Place in Rap and Hip Hip
by Murray Forman Author
Many people who listen to, are familiar with, hip-hop and rap know there are frequent references to the "hood", "the…
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Punk Ethnography: Artists & Scholars Listen to Sublime Frequencies
by E. Tammy Kim Author and Michael E. Veal Author
Examining record production as ethnography, this trailblazing literary companion to Seattle-based label Sublime…
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A Field Guide to the Birds of Wesleyan
by Oliver James Author
A charming and funny guide to sixteen different birds commonly spotted on the Wesleyan campus, written while the author…
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The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction
by Justine Larbalestier Author
A dense, engaging study of the history of women and feminism in the growth of mid-20th-century science fiction in the…
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Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia
by Samuel R. Delaney Author and Kathy Acker Foreword
First published in 1976, this innovative, highly intellectual novel by Samuel Delaney—one of science fiction's first…
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Return to Nevèrÿon
by Samuel R. Delaney Author
In his four-volume series Return to Nevèrÿon, Hugo and Nebula award-winner Samuel R. Delany utilizes sword-and-sorcery…
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Spells: New and Selected Poems
by Annie Finch Author
A collection of 40 years worth of Annie Finch's feminist pagan poems and plays, plus her translations of other poets…
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