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The Magic of Tarot A Modern Guide to the Classic Art of the Cards
by Leanna Greenaway Author and Beleta Greenaway Author
This covers everything from the history and origins of Tarot to practical advice on using the cards for various life…
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The Little Book of Meditation
by Beleta Greenaway Author
In this teeny weeny introduction to meditation, learn everything you need to know to start your own meditation practice…
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The Little Book of Crystals (arctic teal)
by Beleta Greenaway Author
Crystals are known for their remarkable ability to transform, absorb, amplify, and transmit and are the perfect conduit…
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Out of Your Hands: What Palmistry Reveals About Your Personality & Destiny
by Beleta Greenaway Author
Beleta Greenaway's guide to palmistry will help you learn to interpret the mysterious information hidden in the lines of…
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Catalog of the Unexplained
by Leanna Greenaway Author and Beleta Greenaway Author
A terrific and comprehensive guide to all things occult and esoteric, Catalog of the Unexplained has entries on more…
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