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Trans-Galactic Bike Ride: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories of Transgender and Nonbinary Adventurers
by Elly Blue Series Editor, Charlie Jane Anders Contributor, M. Darusha Wehm Contributor, Tucker Lieberman Contributor, Ether Nepenthes Contributor, 3 more
2021 Lambda Literary Award Finalist Take a ride with us as we explore a future where trans and nonbinary people are…
$14.99 8 comments
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Even Greater Mistakes
by Charlie Jane Anders Author
Original, heartfelt, and uproariously funny new stories for one of SFF's most beloved contemporary voices. Pairing…
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Never Say You Can't Survive: How to Get Through Hard Times by Making Up Stories
by Charlie Jane Anders Author
The world is on fire! So tell your story. Things are scary right now. We’re all being swept along by a tidal wave of…
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All the Birds in the Sky
by Charlie Jane Anders Author
A perfectly-plotted book that follows two unlikely friends from besieged childhood to dystopian adulthood, along with…
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The City in the Middle of the Night
by Charlie Jane Anders Author
Xiosphant is one of the two remaining cities on the colonized planet, January. Humanity is clinging to life on this…
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Fight of the Century: Writers Reflect on 100 Years of Landmark ACLU Cases
by Michael Chabon Editor, Ayelet Waldman Editor, Charlie Jane Anders Contributor, Dave Eggers Contributor, Viet Thanh Nguyen Contributor and Jesmyn Ward Contributor
The ACLU has been unquestionably one of the most important legal activism groups in America over the past hundred…
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