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Introducing Kant. A Graphic Guide
by Christopher Kul-Want Author and Andrzej Klimowski Illustrator
Categorically the imperative illustrated guide to Immanuel Kant! Kant's thought and its lasting importance in western…
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Introducing Slavoj Zizek. A Graphic Guide
by Christopher Kul-Want Author and Piero Illustrator
Slavoj Zizeck is a serious revolutionary, an absurdist prankster, and perhaps the worlds hippest philosopher. This…
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Introducing Aesthetics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Christopher Kul-Want Author and Piero Author
What is beauty, and what is truth? These are some of the questions which aesthetics tries to answer. In our everyday…
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Introducing Continental Philosophy: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Christopher Kul-Want Author and Piero Author
What makes philosophy on the continent of Europe so different and exciting? Philosophers such as Kant and Hegel…
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