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Up South in Akron Ohio
by Nate McDonough Illustrator, Umar Bin Hassan Author, Ed Piskor Illustrator and Bill Adler Editor
The legendary Umar Bin Hassan is best known for his work over the last six decades as one of the founding members of…
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Hip Hop Family Tree Book 1: 1970-1981: Vol. 1: Hip Hop Family Tree
by Ed Piskor Author
The lore of the early days of hip hop has become the stuff of myth, so what better way to document this fascinating,…
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Hip Hop Family Tree Book 2: 1981-1983: Vol. 2: Hip Hop Family Tree
by Ed Piskor Author
Covering the early years of 1981-1983, Hip Hop has made a big transition from the parks and rec rooms to downtown clubs…
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Hip Hop Family Tree Book 3: 1983-1984: Vol. 3: Hip Hop Family Tree
by Ed Piskor Author
Ed Piskor’s acclaimed graphic novel series continues! Book 3 highlights Run DMC’s rise to fame and introduces…
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Hip Hop Family Tree Book 4: 1984-1985: Vol. 4: Hip Hop Family Tree
by Ed Piskor Author
In the latest volume of the history of hip-hop told in graphic novel form, we are introduced to characters such as Dr.…
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The Beats: A Graphic History
by Paul Buhle Author, Harvey Pekar Author and Ed Piskor Author
The Beats: A Graphic History paints a stark image of the Beat movement in all its vibrant glory. With the collaboration…
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