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Emilie Bahr is a writer and urban planner living in New Orleans, where she first rediscovered the joys of getting around by bike. Her writing has appeared in the booksNew Orleans: Days and Nights in the Dreamy City and Louisiana in Words, and also in RV Life, Next City and Metropolis magazines. When she’s not biking, she’s often running, canoeing, or curled up in her favorite chair with a good book.

$25-40-60 Superpack: Owning Our Damage Warehouse Sale! (Published Books)
by Super Pack! Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author, Jane Goodall Author, 8 more
10 books worth $130, yours for just $40... it doesn't get much better than that! Here's a snapshot of publishing…
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Urban Revolutions: A Woman's Guide to Two-Wheeled Transportation
by Emilie Bahr Author
Urban Revolutions is a different kind of cycling book. Author Emilie Bahr draws on her experience as an everyday cyclist…
$14.95 9 comments
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Bike Shop Starter Pack
by Emilie Bahr Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Ethan Clark Author, Shelley Lynn Jackson Author, 7 more
Get on your bike and go for a ride! If you're looking for perfect impulse buys for your bike shop counter or a National…
$300.00 $150.00 1 comment

$25 Superpack: I Heart New Orleans
by Emilie Bahr Author, Kaycee Eckhardt Author, John Gerken Author, Janet Author and Super Pack! Author
Fun fact: More Microcosm authors live in New Orleans, Louisiana than in any other single city. They know, and if you've…
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$20 Superpack: Get on Your Bike and Ride!
by Emilie Bahr Author, Elly Blue Author, Juls Generic Author and Super Pack! Author
So, you've been planning to start bicycling ... or maybe you've already started and have a ton of questions. Or maybe…
$30.00 $20.00