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John Gerken is a zinester who runs a bike shop. He lives in New Orleans.

Sylvia Ray Rivera poster
by John Gerken Author and Justseeds Author
Sylvia Ray Rivera is back in all her glory. Sylvia, a Puerto Rican and Venezuelan transwoman from New York City, was a…
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$25 Superpack: I Heart New Orleans
by Emilie Bahr Author, Kaycee Eckhardt Author, John Gerken Author, Janet Author and Super Pack! Author
Fun fact: More Microcosm authors live in New Orleans, Louisiana than in any other single city. They know, and if you've…
$37.00 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Quarter Life Crisis Survival Pack
by Joe Biel Author, John Gerken Author, Ben Holtzman Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Super Pack! Author, Robert Wildwood Author and Bec Young Author
We know that times can be tough. Crises don't always wait til you're 40. Graduating from high school or college, trying…
$45.00 $20.00

I Hate This Part of Texas #7/Keep Loving Keep Fighting #7
by Hope Amico Author and John Gerken Author
Hope and John team up on this split zine reflecting on hurricane Katrina. Both long-time New Orleans residents, each has…
$3.00 4 comments
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I Hate This Part of Texas #5
by John Gerken Author
This issue contains things that will make you laugh, smile, and cry - visiting friends in the hospital, the early…
$3.00 12 comments
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