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Helene Lespagnard (born in 1998) is a Belgian illustrator and comic artist. She graduated from Luca School of Arts Brussels in 2020 with a Masters in Graphic Storytelling. Her comics have appeared in Le Monde Diplomatique, De Standaard, Knack, Polle, and Aline magazines. She is now working on her first graphic novel, Elizabeth’s Monster. She has exhibited work as a featured young talent at Grafixx, Antwerp, and had an artists’ residency at the Marc Sleen Museum in Brussels. She lives outside of Brussels, Belgium.

Magickal Cats Tarot Coloring Book
by Helene Lespagnard Author
Pouncing, prowling, and purring, stretching, sneering, and sunning, the wise felines of the Magickal Cats Tarot are…

Magickal Cats Tarot
by Helene Lespagnard Author
Meet the wise felines of the Magickal Cats Tarot! They’ve experienced nine times as many lives as humans ever will,…