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Jessi Joan is a kinky, polyamorous, queer trauma therapist, artist, and writer based out of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. She is a survivor of childhood abuse and homophobic violence and entered the foster care system as a youth when it was discovered she was queer. She writes poetry and essays with the hope that other survivors find validation through the pages and writes queer smut as an act of rebellion against homophobia and shame induced by religious institutions. You can find more of Jessi's work at, including her books Unbound and Death, Divorce, Desire.

Handcuffs, Chains, and Canes: Queer, Neurodivergent, Disability-positive Smutty Stories (Queering Consent)
by Jessi Joan Author
A beguiling collection of kinky, sapphic smut, featuring steamy encounters that seamlessly incorporate femme, butch,…
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Pretty Little Playthings: Queer, Kinky Stories (Queering Consent)
by Jessi Joan Author
Get lost in stories of ties and whips, bite marks and bruises, a primal chase, femme bottom desire for their butch tops,…
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