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Thirsty Mermaids
by Kat Leyh Author
Fresh out of shipwreck wine, three tipsy mermaids decide to magically masquerade as humans and sneak onto land to…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 16
by Shannon Watters Author, Kat Leyh Author, AnneMarie Rogers Illustrator and Maarta Laiho Author
DINOSAURS & DANGER & DIMENSION-HOPPING. . . OH MY! Mal wants to learn to be braver, but when she recruits Ripley to help…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 17
by Shannon Watters Author, Kat Leyh Author and Kanesha C. Bryant Illustrator
STOLEN KITTIES, SECRET CRUSHES, & A NIGHT TO REMEMBER! Jen and Rosie plan to take the Lumberjane scouts to see an…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 14: X Marks the Spot
by Kat Leyh Author
Ripley found a treasure map! The Roanoke scouts are eager to hunt down what they hope might be some kind of mystical…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 15: Birthday Smarty
by AnneMarie Rogers Illustrator, Kat Leyh Author and Shannon Watters Author
It's Jo's BIRTHDAY and the Camp for Girls, er, HARDCORE LADY-TYPES, is going to throw a raging surprise party. Unless…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 10: Parents' Day
by Shannon Watters Author, Kat Leyh Author, N.D. Stevenson Author, Grace Ellis Author, Brooke A. Allen Author, Ayme Sotuyo Illustrator with Maarta Laiho
It’s PARENTS’ DAY at the Lumberjanes camp! Yetis, greek gods and grootslangs are old news to the Roanoke cabin but…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 8: Stone Cold
by Shannon Watters Author, N.D. Stevenson Author, Brooke A. Allen Author, Grace Ellis Author, Kat Leyh Author and Maarta Laiho Author
Five best friends at summer camp take friendship to the max when they team up to defeat the strange forces lurking…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 6: Sink or Swim
by Shannon Watters Author, N.D. Stevenson Author, Grace Ellis Author, Kat Leyh Author, Brooke A. Allen Author, Carey Pietsch Illustrator with Maarta Laiho
A huge storm is coming and the Lumberjanes have to help their counselor Seafarin’ Karen get her boat back from some…
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Lumberjanes Vol. 11: The After Crime
by Shannon Watters Author, Brooke A. Allen Author, N.D. Stevenson Author, Grace Ellis Author, Kat Leyh Author, Ayme Sotuyo Illustrator with Maarta Laiho
Time is freezing at camp, and it’s up to Roanoke Cabin to stop the nefarious and mysterious forces behind it. When…
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Lumberjanes Vol 9: On a Roll
by Shannon Watters Author, N.D. Stevenson Author, Kat Leyh Author, Carolyn Nowak Illustrator, Maarta Laiho Illustrator and Brooke A. Allen Illustrator
Barney's back! And this time they've officially joined the Zodiac cabin as the newest Lumberjane of the summer. Of…
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