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Laura O. Foster writes about the Portland, Oregon and the nearby Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Portland Stair Walks is her eighth guidebook about the Pacific Northwest. She also writes for Travel Oregon, BikePortland, Friends of the Columbia Gorge, and Portland Parks & Recreation. A former urban-walks guide for the Multnomah Athletic Club, she leads occasional walking tours for nonprofits and local government agencies. Her explorations of Portland's stairs and hidden pathways have been featured on Oregon Field Guide, Oregon Art Beat, and AM Northwest. Her work has been featured in Portland Monthly, Willamette Week, the Portland Tribune, The Oregonian, and KBOO's Between the Covers, and she was featured in the Emmy-winning documentary Discovering Beverly Cleary. Her Portland-based books explore the city’s geology, architecture, neighborhoods, and human and natural history. She has been a Portlander since 1989.

Portland Stair Walks: Explore Portland, Oregon's Public Stairways
by Laura O. Foster Author
Why is it so satisfying to walk up and down stairs? Maybe it's the new layer of discovery with each step up—a new…
$16.95 2 comments
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Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary's Portland
by Laura O. Foster Author
This unique travel guide explores the streets, schools, characters, and neighborhoods of author Beverly Cleary’s…
$9.95 12 comments
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Columbia Gorge Getaways: 12 Weekend Adventures, From Towns to Trails
by Laura O. Foster Author
Columbia Gorge Getaways is the only complete visitor’s guidebook to the Columbia River Gorge, one of the nation’s…
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The Portland Box
by Alexander Barrett Author, Elly Blue Author, Laura O. Foster Author, Shawn Granton Author and Meghan Sinnott Author
Celebrate the awesomeness of Portland with this counter display pack including: • 6 This is Portland (2nd Edition)…
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Portland Hill Walks: 24 Explorations in Parks and Neighborhoods
by Laura O. Foster Author
Portland, Oregon is full of hills and ridges and buttes, and local walking guide book author Laura O. Foster really…
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