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This is Your Mind on Plants
by Michael Pollan Author
In this exploration of three powerful plants, author Michael Pollan takes the reader on a journey through the world of…
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Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness, and Save the Planet
by Paul Stamets Editor, Louie Schwartzberg Photographer, Michael Pollan Contributor and Andrew Weil Contributor
An all-star group of mycology experts joins forces with a time-lapse photographer to produce this gorgeous, fascinating…
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How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence
by Michael Pollan Author
A combination of travel writing, memoir and science, Michael Pollan's newest book dives not into food, but into the…
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The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
by Michael Pollan Author
What may at first glance appear to be a simple choice--that is, what we decide to eat when we're feeling hungry--is a…
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