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Bay Area artist, writer, and activist Miriam Klein Stahl makes socially relevant portraits of misfits, radicals, and activists using the mediums of printmaking, sculpture, drawing, and paper-cut and public art. She cofounded the Arts and Humanities Academy at Berkeley High School, where she also teaches. She lives with her wife and fellow artist Lena Wolff, her daughter, and her dog.

Rad American History A-Z: Movements and Moments That Demonstrate the Power of the People
by Kate Schatz Author and Miriam Klein Stahl Illustrator
This book gives an A-to-Z look at important moments in progressive history that are usually ignored in history classes.…
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Rad American Women A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries who Shaped Our History . . . and Our Future!
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author and Kate Schatz Author
A is for Angela Davis; iconic political activist. B is for Billie Jean King, who shattered the glass ceiling of sports;…
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Rad American Women A-Z Postcards
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author and Kate Schatz Author
This small book of postcards includes 26 portraits of women initially written about in "Rad American Women A-Z." So if…
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Rad Girls Can: Stories of Bold, Brave, and Brilliant Young Women
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author and Kate Schatz Author
Profiles of girls from all over the globe (and all over history) who took brave risks and changed the world while still…
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Celebrate People's History: Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
by Josh MacPhee Editor, Rebecca Solnit Foreword, Cristy C. Road Illustrator, Miriam Klein Stahl Illustrator and Swoon Illustrator
Over one hundred posters that pay tribute to revolution, racial justice, woman's rights, queer liberation, labor…
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Harry Hay Poster
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author, Josh MacPhee Author and Justseeds Author
Harry Hay composed the first manifesto of the American Gay Rights Movement in 1948. “We know how to live through their…
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Rad Women Worldwide: 20 Mini-Posters
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author and Kate Schatz Author
This collection of mini-posters will inspire you to pursue your dreams and overcome all challenges by following in the…
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Rad Women Worldwide: Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author and Kate Schatz Author
Rad Women Worldwide tells fresh, engaging, and inspiring tales of perseverance and radical success by pairing well…
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Phoolan Devi poster
by Miriam Klein Stahl Author
Phoolan Devi: "What others called a crime, I called justice." February 1981: A 24 year old village woman, born into…
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