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Summer Jewel Keown is co-editor of the anthology Non-Stalgia, and the author of short stories published in Written with Pride, Kiss Your Darlings, CATS: Cycling Across Time & Space, and Bikes Not Rockets, among others. She also writes queer romance under the name Sofi Keren, including the collection Heartlocked Witches of the Midwest and the novels False Starts & Artichoke Hearts and Painted Over.

What Rides at Night: Queer, Feminist, Fantastical Bicycle Halloween Stories
by Summer Jewel Keown Editor, Elly Blue Series Editor, Elly Bangs Contributor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, Dawn Vogel Contributor and Grace Desmarais Contributor
When the veil thins, the bicycle revolution rises. Thirteen new, original, spooky stories for the thirteenth volume the…
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Bikes, the Universe, and Everything: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Bikes and Books
by Elly Blue Editor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Julie Brooks Contributor, Summer Jewel Keown Contributor, Kathryn Reilly Contributor, Kiera Jessica Bane Contributor and Dawn Vogel Contributor
Ever gotten lost in a book? Or on your bicycle? Or both at once, by falling through a portal on the page? Anything is…
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C.A.T.S.: Cycling Across Time And Space: 11 Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories about Bicycling and Cats
by Elly Blue Editor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Cecilia Granata Contributor, Monique Cuillerier Contributor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, Summer Jewel Keown Contributor and Kathleen Jowitt Contributor
Has your cat been plotting to take command of your spaceship? This and other important questions are tackled in the 11…
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Bikes Not Rockets: Intersectional Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories
by Elly Blue Editor, Elly Bangs Contributor, Monique Cuillerier Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor and Summer Jewel Keown Contributor
As you ride down the intergalactic bike path, you come to a crossroads. Which path will you take? Your choice could…
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