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Creating Back to the Future The Musical
by Michael Klastorin Author
This companion piece offers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the making of the stage adaptation of Back to the…
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You Are Not Too Late
by Nikki McClure Author
Nikki McClure’s new collection of stunning papercuts, You Are Not Too Late offers a contemporary, community-minded…
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Pistachio: Savory & Sweet Recipes Inspired by World Cuisines
by Georgeanne Brennan Author, Robert Holmes Photographer and Barbara Bryant Author
This cookbook explores the diverse uses of pistachios through a collection of over 60 recipes that span both sweet and…
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Extinct & Endangered: Insects in Peril
by Levon Biss Author
This features stunning macro photographs of 40 endangered or extinct insect species, captured by photographer Levon Biss…
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Crochet Therapy: The Soothing Art of Savoring Each Stitch
by Betsan Corkhill Author
This crochet project guide features over 20 designs aimed at promoting relaxation and mindfulness. It encourages readers…
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