Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness

Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness

by Pam Montgomery Author

This book offers a practical guide to harnessing the healing properties of plant spirits. It delves into the scientific…

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Awakening the Ancient Power of Snake: Transformation, Healing, and Enlightenment

Awakening the Ancient Power of Snake: Transformation, Healing, and Enlightenment

by Dawn Baumann Brunke Author

Inspired by a vivid dream, animal communicator Dawn Baumann Brunke investigates Snake’s history and humanity’s fear…

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Rituals and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot

Rituals and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot

by Vicki Noble Author

This guide provides a comprehensive approach to using a tarot deck designed to embody feminine divine energy through…


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Tarot of the Four Elements: Tribal Folklore, Earth Mythology, and Human Magic

Tarot of the Four Elements: Tribal Folklore, Earth Mythology, and Human Magic

by Isha Lerner Author and Amy Ericksen Author

This tarot deck, inspired by shamanic imagery, blends nature, numbers, and imagination to explore the soul’s deep…

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The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba (Pleidian Tantric Workbook)

The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba (Pleidian Tantric Workbook)

by Amorah Quan Yin Author

This workbook focuses on healing relationships by addressing the male/female split and helping individuals activate and…


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Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin

Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin

by Blanche Gallagher Author

This collection offers reflective and meditative insights, providing a unique perspective on universal experiences. It…


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Meditations With Julian of Norwich

Meditations With Julian of Norwich

by Brendan Doyle Author

Explores the teachings of Lady Julian of Norwich, a fourteenth-century mystic and theologian. Her message centers on the…

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Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt: The Initiatory Path of Spiritual Journaling.

Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt: The Initiatory Path of Spiritual Journaling.

by Normandi Ellis Author, Gloria Taylor-Brown Author and Nicki Scully Foreword

In this book, the reader will encounter the storytelling tools and mindsets of the scribes of Ancient Egypt — a…

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Inner Child Cards Workbook: Further Exercises and Mystical Teachings From the Fairy-Tale Tarot

Inner Child Cards Workbook: Further Exercises and Mystical Teachings From the Fairy-Tale Tarot

by Isha Lerner Author

This workbook serves as a companion to any tarot deck, providing detailed interpretations and advanced exercises. It…

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Hildegard of Bingen's Medicine

Hildegard of Bingen's Medicine

by Dr. Wighard Strehlow Author and Gottfried Hertzka M.D. Author

Hildegard of Bingen reportedly started seeing divine visions when she was just six years old. These visions kept…

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Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka

Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka

by Amorah Quan Yin Author

The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light are spectral light beings from the Pleiades who are thought to transmit messages of…

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Sacred Places: How the Living Earth Seeks Our Friendship

Sacred Places: How the Living Earth Seeks Our Friendship

by James Swan Author

The argument is made that the Earth functions as a living entity, with certain natural sites like Serpent Mound, Machu…


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The Hidden Maya: A New Understanding of Maya Glyphs

The Hidden Maya: A New Understanding of Maya Glyphs

by Martin Brennan Author

Author Martin Brennan cracks the code of Maya inscriptions by tapping into Plains Indian hand signs. He unveils hidden…

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Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation

Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation

by Maureen J. St. Germain Author

If you think 3D goggles are nifty, wait until you try out 5D eyes! Ditch those old-school ways of thinking and learn…

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Coyote Healing: Miracles in Native Medicine

Coyote Healing: Miracles in Native Medicine

by Lewis Mehl-Madrona Author and Larry Dossey Foreword

Native American healers believe in and prepare for the power of miracles. In modern medicine, we often dismiss…

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Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs

Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs

by Hildegard of Bingen Author and Matthew Fox Editor

Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century mystic, is an often seen as a feminist archetype in a time when there was no formal…


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Shapeshifting with Our Animal Companions: Connecting with the Spiritual Awareness of All Life

Shapeshifting with Our Animal Companions: Connecting with the Spiritual Awareness of All Life

by Dawn Baumann Brunke Author

Author Dawn Baumann Brunke embarks upon a journey of shared spiritual awareness, utilizing conversations, dreams, and…


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Lost Tomb of Viracocha: Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids

Lost Tomb of Viracocha: Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids

by Maurice Cotterell Author

Inca mythology tells of a man called Viracocha Pachamac who wandered across the coast of Peru performing miracles.…


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The Anubis Oracle: A Journey Into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt

The Anubis Oracle: A Journey Into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt

by Nicki Scully Author, Linda Star Wolf Author and Kris Waldherr Illustrator

The Anubis Oracle is a shamanic guide to inner Egypt, a place of mystery, ancestral wisdom, and abiding love that…


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Bird Medicine: The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanism

Bird Medicine: The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanism

by Evan T. Pritchard Author

Birds have been revered by cultures around the world for their wisdom, guidance, and protection. In Native American…

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Cherokee Astrology: Animal Medicine in the Stars

Cherokee Astrology: Animal Medicine in the Stars

by Raven Hail Author

In the Cherokee religion, everything on Earth is a reflection of a star, not only people and animals but also trees,…


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The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature

The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature

by Stephen Harrod Buhner Author

From prolific herbalism author Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Secret Teachings of Plants explores the difference between…


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The Cherokee Herbal: Native Plant Medicine from the Four Directions

The Cherokee Herbal: Native Plant Medicine from the Four Directions

by J.T. Garrett Author

J.T. Garrett, a member of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee from North Carolina, details the healing and medicinal uses…

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Sacred Plant Medicine: The Wisdom in Native American Herbalism

Sacred Plant Medicine: The Wisdom in Native American Herbalism

by Stephen Harrod Buhner Author

In this exploration of Native American herbalism, author Stephen Harrod Buhner dives into the connections between…


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The Evolutionary Empath: A Practical Guide for Heart-Centered Consciousness

The Evolutionary Empath: A Practical Guide for Heart-Centered Consciousness

by Stephanie Red Feather Author and Linda Star Wolf Author

This is a guide made for empaths and by empaths, for those who want to fully manifest their gifts and embrace their role…

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DMT: The Spirit Molecule

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

by Rick Strassman Author

This delves into the effects of DMT, a powerful psychedelic, through clinical research involving sixty volunteers. The…


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Narrative Medicine: The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process

Narrative Medicine: The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process

by Lewis Mehl-Madrona Author and Thom Hartmann Foreword

If you're sick and can afford it, you call your doctor. You'll (eventually) be treated with all the high-tech aspects of…

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Mysteries of the Tayos Caves: The Lost Civilizations Where the Andes Meet the Amazon

Mysteries of the Tayos Caves: The Lost Civilizations Where the Andes Meet the Amazon

by Alex Chionetti Author and Javier Sierra Author

The Cuevas de los Tayos are the Bermuda Triangle of caves, filled with enigma after mystery. From lost treasures,…


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How to Practice Mayan Astrology: The Tzolkin Calendar and Your Life Path

How to Practice Mayan Astrology: The Tzolkin Calendar and Your Life Path

by Bruce Scofield Author

The Mayan astrological calendar, while not as widespread or popular as other astrological calendars, still remains one…


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