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Sexualized Brains: Scientific Modeling of Emotional Intelligence from a Cultural Perspective
by Nicole C. Karafyllis Editor and Gotlind Ulshöfer Editor
This book collects a number of scholarly articles on the question of emotional intelligence and the resulting…
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The Mind–Body Problem
by Jonathan Westphal Author
This philosophy text offers an overview of the mind-body problem, covering the solutions that have been proposed by…
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Transportation and Revolt: Pigeons, Mules, Canals, and the Vanishing Geographies of Subversive Mobility
by Jacob Shell Author
During World War I, German soldiers shot down carrier pigeons for fear the birds were carrying enemy communiqués; in…
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Mind and Brain
by William R. Uttal Author
A brain imaging expert has compiled this definitive exploration of the connection between our thinking minds and our…
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City Cycling
by John Pucher Author and Ralph Buehler Author
Bicycling for transportation has been booming in cities around the world in the last 20 years. This collection of…
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Bicycling Science
by David Gordon Wilson Author
An updated, third edition of the popular, definitive book about the history, science, and engineering of bicycles.…
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Break On Through: Radical Psychiatry and the American Counterculture
by Lucas Richert Author
A history focused on the radical approaches to psychiatry in the 1970s that included the end of widespread…
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Scientists Under Surveillance: The FBI Files
by JPat Brown Author, B.C.D. Lipton Author and Michael Morisy Author
Armed with ignorance, misinformation, and unfounded suspicions, the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover cast a suspicious eye on…
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Writers Under Surveillance: The FBI Files
by JPat Brown Author, B.C.D. Lipton Author, Michael Morisy Author and Cory Doctorow Foreword
Peruse pages excerpted from the actual FBI files of 16 authors, with brief introductions that give context. Learn that…
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Activists Under Surveillance: The FBI Files
by JPat Brown Author, B.C.D. Lipton Author, Michael Morisy Author and Jameel Jaffer Foreword
Short introductions preface relevant FBI files reproduced here so you can see the feds' memos, records, and data on US…
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Butch Heroes: Reinscribing the Narrative from the 15th to the 20th Century
by Ria Brodell Author
Brief biographies and full-color paintings (modeled on Catholic holy cards) celebrate 500 years of queer, transgender,…
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The Coming Insurrection
by The Invisible Committee Author
Written by a group of French intellectuals that call themselves The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection…
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Getting Through: The pleasures and perils of cross-cultural communication
by Roger Kreuz Author and Richard Roberts Author
Language, culture, and the nuances of communication create challenges to connection, even if we're speaking the same…
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