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So You Want to Build a Human?
by Tom Jackson Author and Jan Bielecki Author
This engaging guide for children explores how the human body functions, presenting the information in a fun,…
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So You're a Little Sad, So What?: Nice Things to Say to Yourself on Bad Days and Other Essays
by Alicia Tobin Author
With her characteristically bold wit, comedian Alicia Tobin brings countless moments of vulnerability, humility, and…
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Soft Skills, Hard Results: A practical guide to people skills for analytical leaders
by Anne Taylor Author
Do you dream about being a leader, but don't really consider yourself a “people person”? Drawn from real-life case…
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Songs from My Divorce
by Sarah Morean Author
Nobody wants to get divorced. I certainly didn't. And this zine isn't supposed to be a celebration of my divorce. But…
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Speaking in Thumbs: A Psychiatrist Decodes Your Relationship Texts So You Don't Have To
by Mimi Winsberg Author
When it comes to today's day and age, like in many other aspects of human life, technology has entered the domain of…
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Spectacular Sisters: Amazing Stories of Sisters from Around the World
by Aura Lewis Author
Sisters can be your greatest rivals and closest confident. In this book the meaning of sisterhood is explored as the…
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Stagnating vs Effective Leadership
Effective leadership takes a lot of different forms, but it isn't always easy to know if you're succeeding as a leader…
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Stay Solid!: A Radical Handbook for Youth
by Joe Biel Author, Matt Hern Author and Cristy C. Road Author
This scrapbook-style collection of essays, excerpts, explanations, and images pushes back against a culture that…
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STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in an Endlessly Noisy World
by Dan Lyons Author
In a world that often values speaking over listening, this work emphasizes the power of silence and thoughtful…
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STI FAQ: Keep Calm and Learn Real Facts About Sexually Transmitted Diseases
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author and Bonnie Scott Author
Got an STI (sexually transmitted infection)? Or just worried you'll get one? In this informative and crass zine, two sex…
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Sticker #102I Heart My Bike
by Joe Biel Author
If you love your bike, perhaps you need a sticker to make sure everyone else knows. Plus, you can hit two birds with one…
$2.50 1 comment
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Sticker #152Angel with Cut Wings
Someone will always try to hold you back. It's up to you to rise above. (Sturdy vinyl sticker with black print on a…
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Sticker #263Tandem Racers
You know that song? The one that goes "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..." Well, we really don't know much about…
$2.50 1 comment
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Sticker #321Ann Strong quote
by Elly Blue Author
"A bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get…
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Sticker #335Bicycle Kiss
by Matt Queen Author
Remember kids, always practice safe cycling. Wear a helmet! (Sturdy vinyl sticker with black or pink print on a white…
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Sticker #341Bikes, Love, Rock & Roll
by Elly Blue Author
There are three things you need to live a whole and happy life. And surprisingly, our list is not an over-used cliche.…
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Sticker #410Choosing Comfort Over Difficult Conversation Is the Epitome of Privilege
by Joe Biel Author
It's a privilege to avoid those tricky conversations at the dinner table. It may make things more comfortable for you,…
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Sticker #413I believe in second chances
by Aza Enigma Author
We all screw up sometimes. Sometimes, a second chance is the only difference between learning from our mistakes and…
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Sticker #415When I say "YES," I mean "Yes."
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Because consent is affirmative, active, and ongoing! And saying a big old YES to life can be a beautiful thing. (Sturdy…
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Sticker #417NO is a complete sentence
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
It's real basic. Everyone's got to draw the line somewhere. And when we do, respect is what we need. Consent and…
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Sticker #418"FUCK NO" is a complete sentence
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Sometimes you have to say it extra in order to be heard. Let your FUCK NO ring loudly through the world! (Sturdy vinyl…
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Sticker #419If I want to see your dick, I'll ask
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
No unsolicited dick pics, please. Sheesh! Why do we even have to say this? Yes, consent also applies in the digital…
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Sticker #422Ask your partner first, dammit
by Lydia Rogue Author
The basics of consent really aren't that complicated. Worried about doing the wrong thing and hurting someone? There's…
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Sticker #424I've Got Your Back
by Lydia Rogue Author
Maybe you want to let people know you are commited to generosity and openess. Maybe you want to let them know you're…
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Sticker #425mutual aid, not mutual funds
by Lydia Rogue Author
Those big-time bankers definitely don't have our backs, but who needs 'em when we've got eachother? Let's support one…
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Sticker #426every action is an act of love or a call for it
by Joe Biel Author
A potent antidote to blame and shame, a path forward, a sobering reframing. In a world that can feel so lonely…
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Sticker #427friendship is my superpower
by Lydia Rogue Author
Who said friendship can't be a superpower? Celebrate yourself, and your friends, and your friendships with this…
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Sticker #428support one another
by Lydia Rogue Author
Life goes better when we build one other up instead of tearing each other done.
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Sticker #432Thank You For Seeing Me
Whether you're a cyclist on the road, or someone who feels loved by your friends, let the world know you're grateful to…
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Sticker #479Boundaries: ways to love you and myself simultaneously
It's beautiful to have sturdy yet flexible boundaries—giving you room to stay true to yourself while hearing the…
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