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Sticker #382Commit MicroAffections
MicroAggressions SUCK, but maybe we can fight them with MicroAffections? Let the world know that you believe in…
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Sticker #399If They Wanted Us to Vote, They Would Have Given Us Candidates
Emma Goldman got it right - "if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." This one's for those of us that are…
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Sticker #400Imprison All Wealthy, White, Neurotypical Males and then Talk About Equality
This sticker isn't afraid to tell it like it is. This nation is filled with inequality, and favors white, wealthy,…
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Sticker #401CORESIST
This sticker takes a fun little twist on the original 'coexist' sticker. Coexist is great and all, but with 'CoRESIST'…
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Sticker #403The People Want Books, We're Sending ALL WE CAN SPARE
Microcosm is devoted to people having access to books and to reading. The people want books, and we're sending all we…
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Sticker #405The Second Amendment Protects Racism
by Joe Biel Author
The second amendment is racist at its core. Not only has the right to bear arms been upheld to favor white gun ownership…
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Sticker #406Representation Means Safety
by Joe Biel Author
It's so important to see people like us represented in the government, in our workplace, in our schools, in the media…
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Sticker #407Pride: The Opposite of Shame
by Joe Biel Author
We believe that pride is the opposite of shame. That's why we made this sticker. So that you can pass the word that who…
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Sticker #409Defend Our Movements
by Joe Biel Author
Ongoing movements are what allows us to create a better world in the future, and a big part of the work is defending…
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Sticker #410Choosing Comfort Over Difficult Conversation Is the Epitome of Privilege
by Joe Biel Author
It's a privilege to avoid those tricky conversations at the dinner table. It may make things more comfortable for you,…
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Sticker #413I believe in second chances
by Aza Enigma Author
We all screw up sometimes. Sometimes, a second chance is the only difference between learning from our mistakes and…
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Sticker #420Witches cast ballots
by Jeri Cain Rossi Author
Witches vote too! We're here, we're magickal, and our votes are powerful. (Sturdy vinyl sticker with white print on a…
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Sticker #421when life is shit, remember that shit is the best fertilizer
We're tired of the old "when life gives you lemmons..." saying. 'Cause who says you have to be sweet about it? Take the…
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Sticker #425mutual aid, not mutual funds
by Lydia Rogue Author
Those big-time bankers definitely don't have our backs, but who needs 'em when we've got eachother? Let's support one…
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Sticker #449You create and shape culture
Be the change, friends. You have the power in your hands. (Sturdy vinyl sticker with black print on a white background.…
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Sticker #456Be gay, do crimes
A rallying cry against assimilation to heterocapitalist norms, sticker reminds us of the history of the fight for queer…
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Sticker #472Gendering Strangers Hurts
You really can't know anything about anybody's gender until you ask! (Sturdy vinyl sticker with black print on a white…
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Sticker #476L with the T
(Sturdy vinyl sticker with black print on a white background. Reads: “l with the t.”)
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Sticker #481Back to the Streets!
Want to celebrate the tradition of taking to the streets for what you believe in? This sticker is a call to action. …
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Sticker #502Riot Woman
Are you a riot woman? Let the world know with this sticker! Slap it on any smooth hard surface, but probably don't put…
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Sticker #516Fight the Power, Not Each Other
Build solidarity, not dissension! Fight the power, not each other! Help make the world a friendlier and more egalitarian…
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Sticker #521Just Say Gay!
Let Ron DeSantis know exactly what you think of his bigotry and homophobia. Slap this sticker up wherever you feel like,…
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Sticker #533The World Doesn’t Change Until We Change It
The world is perfectly fine being status quo and complacent, said nobody.
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Sticker #565Get Your Laws Off My Uterus
Tell the patriarchy and the a**holes on the Supreme Court they can go f**k themselves with this die-cut sticker…
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Sticker #568Graffiti Bicycle Cat
When this genderqueer kitty isn't reading, drinking tea, or dismantling the patriarchy, they're riding their bicycle to…
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Sticker #571If I Had a Hammer, I'd Smash Patriarchy
Why aren't there more sledgehammers lying around? This feminist slogan and image is evocative, historical, and better…
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Sticker #573Progress Pride Flame
Stoke the Pride flame and show your solidarity with this sticker. Bigotry be burned! This inclusive queer emblem…
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Sticker #574You Can Protect Trans Kids
With all the crap that's been going on in this country, it's no surprise that transgender rights are under attack, and…
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Sticker #576Pansexual Pride
What a wonderful thing to have pride in. The world is a much better place for it. Slap this vinyl sticker on your bike,…
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Sticker #577Not Gay as in Happy, but Queer as in Fuck You
In case you didn't know... Slap this vinyl sticker on your bike, car, laptop, water bottle, or any other surface you…
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